The senior hospital Chaplain and 4 assistants organize the spiritual care for patients, guardians and staff at the hospital. The chaplaincy team comforts and prays for patients at the bedside, leading many to Christ. They lead chapel services daily for staff and guardians who help care for patients. The year 2021 was another tough year for chaplaincy work because of COVID-19. We lost many of our patients due to the coronavirus, but we again praise the Lord for sustaining us.

During the peak of the pandemic visits to patients were irregular. The senior chaplain contracted COVID but recovered well. Chapel services continued though attendance dropped. All staff who contracted COVID were visited in their homes and prayed with. We were unable to conduct trainings (e.g. saline process) but managed to train religious leaders in palliative care. We are grateful to Samaritan’s Purse and the Medical Benevolence Foundation for their generous and faithful support to the chaplaincy program. 2021 was a year that the faith of many people grew and they trusted the Lord through challenging times. as Paul said ,’ for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21. To God be the glory!